Tax - Trainee TCF - Milan
Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati, a leading professional firm in the field of tax and legal consultancy, is looking for a professional with brief experience in the Tax Control Framework field for the Milan office.
The selected candidate, included in the work team, will be responsible for the following activities:
- Support and advice to the customer in the phase of adherence to the Cooperative Compliance model
- Advice on the management of all tax processes
- Management of relations with the Revenue Agency
- Tax advice at national and international level
- Extraordinary transactions.
- 6-9 months experience on TCF projects
- Master's degree in economics
- Excellent knowledge of the English language
- Excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills.
The growth path includes, together with on-the-job training, specific programs and continuous professional training, aimed at obtaining the qualification as a Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor.